Upcoming events

2024 October 22

WBA General Assembly

The WBA is pleased to announce that the next General Assembly (GA) – the annual gathering of the global bioenergy community – will take place in Sao Paulo, Brazil on 22nd October 2024 at the Hotel Renaissance. The WBA GA 2024 will be held along the sidelines of the BBEST – IEA Bioenergy 2024 conference at the same venue.
The WBA General Assembly is open for all members of the WBA. It provides an opportunity to discuss and debate the latest developments in technologies, policies, finance, and bioenergy markets from around the world. At the GA, the WBA Secretariat will share updates on the activities of the association and the members get an opportunity to provide feedback as well as chart progress for upcoming months. 
Non members who are interested to participate at the WBA GA 2024 are also welcome to join as observers. Your input is valuable. Moreover, while the GA takes place in the morning of the 22nd October, there is a great opportunity to participate in the BBEST IEA Bioenergy event happening at the same venue during 22 – 26 October, 2024 which will also include great site visits. Please visit the conference website here: Link

Please fill out this participation form to let us know how you will be participating.


For more information, please contact us at info@worldbioenergy.org

Tentative Itinerary (All times are local Sao Paulo time) 
21st October (Monday): 
Arrival in Sao Paulo, Brazil

22nd October (Tuesday): 
WBA General Assembly 2024 (morning)
BBEST IEA Bioenergy Conference (afternoon)

23rd – 24th October (Wednesday – Thursday) 
BBEST IEA Bioenergy Conference 

25th and 28th October 
Site Visits