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2023 October 03

Opportunity to Support the Bioenergy Sector

World Bioenergy Association (WBA) is pleased to announce the next version of our flagship publication - Global Bioenergy Statistics (GBS) 2023. The GBS reports have garnered widespread support providing comprehensive overview of the global bioenergy sector. The reports present a fact based overview of all relevant energy sectorsincluding wood pellets, biopower, bioheat, liquid biofuels, wood chips, biogas, charcoal, renewable energy etc. The report is scheduled to be launched in November 2023. 

The GBS reports are published online on our website and are downloaded by a diverse group of stakeholders including investors, research community, policy makers, private sector and civil society. The printed copies of the report are distributed at major international conferences.

Statistics Supporter

WBA is now inviting all stakeholders to participate in the process and support the statistics report prior to its publication. The proposal includes opportunities to:

  • Review the statistics report especially on sections relevant to the stakeholder
  • Show support to the sector by contributing with a logo as a statistics supporter
Important: Opportunity limited to 3 supporters!

Supporter Benefits

  • The statistics report is published online on the WBA website
  • Promotion through mailing lists of bioenergy stakeholders
  • Printed copies distributed at international bioenergy events for a year
  • An opt-in (free) 1 year membership of World Bioenergy Association
  • Acknowledgement of the supporter on all associated marketing material

If you are interested in supporting the upcoming Global Bioenergy Statistics Report, please contact Lízia Branco, Communication Manager, with the following data: first name, last name, organization, position, email, phone number, and country.

Past Testemonials

’...good market information...’
’...important for providing context on biomass and biogas use throughout the world...’
’...good material for lectures and seminar talk...’
’...good structured data on global, continental and country level...’
’...well ordered top down data for general global consumption...’
’... thank you for making and providing this report...’