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2021 April 01

Bioenergy is a perfect example of a circular economy

Saku Rantanen is the board member of World Bioenergy Association and is the Managing Director of Bioenergy Business at BECIS (Berkeley Energy Commercial Industrial Solutions). The video shows a bioenergy plant in East Java, Indonesia which utilizes rice husk as fuel to produce steam for a nearby brewery. The plant has been in operation for 2 years and provides 100% of the thermal needs of the brewery, replacing the use of natural gas. Fuel gases are treated via ESP while produced ash is used as organic fertilizer.

The plant has 5 main benefits:

  1. reducing pollution and agricultural waste,
  2. producing energy with lower cost compared to fossil fuels,
  3. lowering CO2 emissions by more than 80%,
  4. providing employment opportunities to rural Indonesia
  5. case example of circular economy. 

View the video below or on YouTube here: Link