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2020 June 10

WBA submits input to Australia Bioenergy Roadmap consultation

World Bioenergy Association (WBA) is pleased to submit inputs to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) call for submissions to the Bioenergy Roadmap. The roadmap aims to identify the role that the bioenergy sector can play in Australia’s energy transition and help further reduce emissions from the energy sector. The roadmap will also help to inform the next series of investment and policy decisions in the bioenergy sector in Australia.

WBA submission addressed various topics including markets and technologies, resources, public policy and social license related to bioenergy. International developments related to drivers and impediments to bioenergy development, supply chain gaps, competitive advantage of bioenergy, international policy trends and success stories, feedstock, environmental impacts, current policy situation, role of stakeholders and public acceptance of bioenergy were also addressed in the submission.

We commend the federal government and ARENA for the initiative to develop the roadmap and informed them about our assistance in developing and implementation of the roadmap.

WBA submission to ARENA can be viewed here: Link

Visit ARENA Website: Link