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2018 September 04

5th International Biomass Congress

CIBIO - International Biomass Congress is an annual event coordinated and organized by the FRG Media & Events Group, which has the support of the main associations and entities related to the Biomass sector in Brazil and abroad.

The Congress has a fundamental role in this new phase of the Brazilian Energy Matrix, where the search for clean technologies for energy generation, is urgent to ensure the future and growth of the country.

In the midst of this search for new alternatives to generate energy, we have agreements and commitments signed by Brazil with other countries, with the aim of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This scenario increases the need for the search for new and effective Clean Energy Technologies that can meet the growing demand for consumption. The challenges are great given that average energy consumption has increased a lot in recent years.
Thermal and electrical generation with Biomass has helped Brazil to grow and monitor the main technologies available in the world.

The CIBIO - International Biomass Congress is the best opportunity to discuss the new directions and trends of the sector, as well as an excellent opportunity to present new technologies, research presented by the Academic and Productive sectors that together are the necessary forces for this long awaited change.

WBA is participating at the CIBIO conference as a speaker.

For more information, please visit the website here: Link