WBA news

2009 May 28

G8, EU and G5 shows renewable insight

Magnus Ånstrand
The parties believe that a comprehensive strategy to respond to the climate change challenge must necessarily envisage a portfolio of different renewable energy sources through policy and regulatory improvments to boost investments in bioenergy.

The Energy Ministers of the G8 Countries, the European Energy 
Commissioner, the Energy Ministers of the G5 Countries (Brazil, The 
People’s Republic of China, India, Mexico,  South Africa) and the Energy 
Ministers of Egypt, Republic of Korea, and The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 
met in Rome on May 24, 2009.

The parties believe that a comprehensive strategy to respond to the climate 
change challenge must necessarily envisage a portfolio of different 
energy sources. In the context of diversification of the energy mix, re- 
newable energies will play an important role, as they contribute to the 
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions  and enhance sustainable devel- 
opment, with due account for different country capabilities. 
3. Therefore, We recommend: 
a) improving the policy and regulatory frameworks to boost invest- 
ments in renewable energies, such as solar, hydro, wind and geo- 
thermal energy and biomass, while promoting their deployment 
and diffusion throughout all countries; 
b) continuing support to regional and international co-operation and 
private-public partnership on research, development and deploy- 
ment of renewable energies; 
c) addressing the financial dimension including the possibility of de- 
signing dedicated international financing mechanisms.
