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2009 December 17

COP15: REN Alliance calls for Global Investment Fund for Renewable Energy

The International Renewable Energy Alliance (REN Alliance) calls for renewables to be at the forefront of the post-2012 climate action regime. The REN Alliance COP 15 Policy Statement insists that the Kyoto mechanisms become more straightforward for project development and the programmatic approaches are centred on progressing renewable energy systems.
The policy statement demands that significant reform is required to make the Kyoto Mechanisms, especially the Clean Development Mechanism, more effective by removing unnecessary complexity and improving the consistency of the process, especially for projects the developing countries.

• The President of the World Bioenergy Association, Mr Kent Nyström, said that “Renewables are the least cost energy solution for climate change mitigation”.
• Dr Dave Renne, Vice President of the International Solar Energy Society, said that “the CDM must be targeted towards renewable energy projects”.
• The Executive Director of the International Hydropower Association, Richard M. Taylor, said that “strategic actions must deliver the transition to a renewable economy”.
• To deliver the above, Mr Stefan Gsänger, Secretary General of the World Wind Energy Association, explained that the REN Alliance calls for a Global Fund for Renewable Energy Investment that mobilizes investment in an effective and efficient way.

The policy document "Scaling-Up for a Renewable Future; Reforming Existing Mechanisms and Shaping New Approaches Post-2012” can be downloaded here

Read more here