

WBA Fact sheets 

WBA factsheets present an unbiased overview of bioenergy technologies and are a guiding tool for policy makers, researchers and companies. The objective of drafting and publishing factsheets is to bring rational arguments in the public discussion and to support the development of bioenergy.


Biomass Supply Chains (2018)
Bioenergy cookstoves (2016)
Biomass potential towards 2035 (2016)
Gasification of biomass (2015)
Advanced biofuels (2015)
Pellets (2014)
Biogas (2013)
Biofuels for transport (2013)
Carbon Neutrality (2012)
Biomass combined heat and power (2012) Small scale biomass heating (2012)
Energy Recovery from Waste (2017)
Liquid Biofuels (2020) Biomass and Net Zero Biofuels (2021)