During November 23rd – 24th November 2017, World Bioenergy Association (WBA) organized a study trip for a delegate from Renewable Energy Institute, Japan. The study trip was organized in Stockholm and the aim was to understand the successful development of biomass energy in Sweden.
The participants of the study mission trip included World Bioenergy Association, Renewable Energy Institute (Japan), Söderenergi, Svebio, Skogsindustrierna and E.ON.
23rd November 14.00: Visit to Igelstaverket CHP plant in Södertalje. The power plant was running on coal since 1982. However, during 2007 – 2010, the plant was completely converted to a renewable CHP plant with woodchips (30%) and recovered wood (70%) as feedstock. The feedstock arrives daily via ships and trains which is then transported to the power plant by trucks. The plant is an interesting example of the effective management of feedstock logistics.
24th November 09.00: Visit to Skogsindustrierna – Swedish Forest Industries Association. The association is a large forest industry association in Sweden and has members in both pulp and sawmill industry. Sweden has extensive forest coverage of about 73% out of which 80% is cultivated sustainably. The country is also the world’s 3rd largest exporter of pulp, paper and sawn timber with an export value of 125 billion SEK and Asian countries a prime export market.
24th November 13.00: Visit to E.ON Heating Plant in Täby. The newly built heating plant (in 2016) provides district heating using forest fuel. The plant is owned by four apartment owners located in Täby – north east of Stockholm. The plant has two boilers of 20 MW which burns wood chips procured from nearby forests.
“It was a nice opportunity for me to visit real sites and discuss with people who were working there. Söderenergi’s tailor-made long-distance transportation was suggestive for the Japan’s conditions where large cities are away from forest resources. Through discussion with Skogsindustrierna, I realized again the importance of strong forestry sector for bioenergy development.” – says Takanobu Aikawa, Senior Researcher, Renewable Energy Institute, Japan.
A full summary of the study visits is available for members. Please login here (Link) and visit the mission reports section in Resources.
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For more information, please contact: World Bioenergy Association (info@worldbioenergy.org)
WBA and E.ON team at Taby Heating Plant
E.ON Heating Plant in Taby, Stockholm
Igelstaverket CHP plant in Sodertalje, Sweden